Pearson VUE 關於思科考試漲價的官方電子郵件英文+中文譯文
CCNA 640-802 250美金
640-822 125美金
640-816 125美金
CCNP 642-892 300美金
640-901 150美金
640-845 150美金
640-825 150美金
642-812 150美金
CCIE 350-001 350美金
Pearson VUE 關於思科考試漲價的官方電子郵件:
Cisco has announced a price increase for its exams effective June 24, 2008.
The following FAQ from Cisco provides additional information on this increase.
FAQ for Price Adjustment to CCNA Comprehensive, Professional-level Composite and CCIE Exams
June 24, 2008
Q: What exactly is the price adjustment being made at this time?
A: As of June 24, 2008, the price of the CCNA comprehensive exam #640-802,the single exam option for achieving CCNA certification, will be $250USD, the professional-level Composite exam #642-892, will be $300 USDand the CCIE written exams will be $350 USD or the local currencyequivalent in all regions.
Q: Why is the price being adjusted at this time?
A: Our market analysis indicates the prices of these exams are out of linewith the market value they provide and with other IT certificationexams at the Associate, Professional and Expert level. Cisco CareerCertifications is one of the industry’s most recognizable and highlyvalued programs for IT professionals. Achieving a CCNA, Professionalor Expert certification validates knowledge and hands-on skill with theworld’s leading networking solutions.
Q: Will the price be adjusted in all worldwide locations?
A: Yes, the price will be adjusted in all regions. Cisco CertifiedLearning Partners in some areas may include the exam along with atraining course for a single price.
Q: Will the price to Networking Academy students also be changed?
A: Consistent with our past years strategy, Cisco will provide financialassistance to Cisco Networking Academy students in the form ofdiscounts to offset the cost of key certification exams.
Q: Will the price increase impact the Cisco CA employee discount?
A: CA employee voucher program will not change ($50USD).
答:截至2008年6月24日,價格的ccna綜合考試編號640-802 ,單一的考試方案,實現ccna認證,將250元美元,專業水平的綜合考試編號642-892 ,將300元美元和ccie的書面考試,將$ 350美元或等值的當地貨幣計算,在所有地區。
答:我們的市場分析表明,價格這些考試是脫節的市場價值,他們提供與其他IT認證考試在協理,專業及專家的水平。思科職業認證是一個行業的最易辨認,並高度評價程序為IT專業人員。實現ccna ,專業或專家認證的驗證知識和實際操作上的技巧與世界領先的網絡解決方案。
答:與我們過去幾年的戰略,思科公司將提供財政援助, Cisco網絡學院的學生在形式的折扣,以抵銷成本的關鍵認證考試。
答: CA有僱員券計劃不會改變( $ 50usd ) 。